River Conon Salmon Fishings

river conon salmon fishing map

River Conon System Map - click on it to see a larger version.


Ownership and control of the River Conon and Blackwater fishings is shared amongst a number of proprietors and two angling clubs, with much of the fishing in the main river private or syndicated.  The map above shows the different fishings on the Conon and Blackwater as we understand them to be currently - the boundaries between the fishings are indicative only.

Below are brief descriptions of the different beats starting with the estuary on the Cromarty Firth and heading upstream. For full descriptions of the individual beats click on the 'fly out' menus from 'River Conon Fishings' on the left hand menu bar.



Estuary Beat
The Estuary Beat is controlled by the Dingwall & District Angling Club and extends for approximately 2½ miles (4 km) from Conon Bridge down to the Cromarty Firth.

Brahan Fishings
The Brahan Fishings comprise the Upper, Middle and Lower Brahan beats and is operated as a timeshare by the ‘Conon Syndicate’. The Lower and Middle Brahan beats are mostly double banked and extend for just over 2½ miles (4 km) from Conon Bridge to just above the Orrin tributary. Upper Brahan is fished from the left bank only and extends for a further 2½ miles (4 km) above Middle Brahan to the junction with the Blackwater tribitutary.

Lower Fairburn
The Lower Fairburn fishings starts from upstream of the junction with the Blackwater and extend to the junction with the River Orrin, a distance of just under 2½ miles (4 km). The fishing is from the right bank only.

Coul Fishings
The Coul Fishings start from approximately 500m below Torr Achilty Dam and extend for about 1¾ miles (2.8 km) along the North (left) bank to the Blackwater junction. The beat is accessed by boat from the south bank.

Upper Fairburn
The Upper Fairburn beat lies opposite the Coul Fishings and is therefore mainly right bank only extending for approximately 1½ miles (2.5 km), but also includes 400m or so of left bank fishing directly below Torr Achilty Dam.

Upper Conon
The Upper Conon beat is controlled by the Loch Achonachie Angling Club. They comprise mainly double banked fishing starting below the power station at Loch Luichart and extending for about 2½ miles (4.2 km) downstream to Loch Achonachie.




Lower Blackwater
The Lower Blackwater beat  is double banked extending for about 2½ miles (4 km) from the A835 road bridge at Contin to the junction with the River Conon.

Middle Blackwater
The Middle Blackwater starts above the A835 road bridge and extends as far as Rogie Falls. The beat is double banked and is just over 1¼ miles (2 km) in length.

Upper Blackwater
The Upper Blackwater beat is controlled by the Loch Achonachie Angling Club. The beat is double banked and extends from above Rogie Falls to below Loch na Croic, a distance of  just over 1¼ miles (2 km).


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